Arquivo | Tamanho |
0. Websites you may like/0. (1Hack.Us) Premium Tutorials-Guides-Articles _ Community based Forum.url | 377.00 B |
0. Websites you may like/1. (FreeCoursesOnline.Me) Download Udacity, Masterclass, Lynda, PHLearn, Pluralsight Free.url | 286.00 B |
0. Websites you may like/3. ( Download Cracked Developers Applications For Free.url | 239.00 B |
0. Websites you may like/How you can help our Group!.txt | 208.00 B |
1. Getting Started/1- What is React.mp4 | 9.74 MB |
1. Getting Started/2- Setting Up the Development Environment.mp4 | 13.81 MB |
1. Getting Started/3- Your First React App.mp4 | 22.06 MB |
1. Getting Started/4- Hello World.mp4 | 14.72 MB |
1. Getting Started/5- Custom Configs.mp4 | 12.69 MB |
1. Getting Started/6- Full-stack Architecture.mp4 | 8.65 MB |
1. Getting Started/7- Course Structure.mp4 | 4.76 MB |
10. Deployment/1- Introduction.mp4 | 1.09 MB |
10. Deployment/10- Preparing the Font-end for Deployment.mp4 | 12.35 MB |
10. Deployment/11- Deploying the Front-end.mp4 | 8.84 MB |
10. Deployment/2- Environment Variables.mp4 | 16.83 MB |
10. Deployment/3- Production Builds.mp4 | 8.87 MB |
10. Deployment/4- Getting Started with Heroku.mp4 | 6.12 MB |
10. Deployment/5- MongoDB in the Cloud.mp4 | 9.82 MB |
10. Deployment/6- Adding Code to a Git Repository.mp4 | 10.95 MB |
10. Deployment/7- Deploying to Heroku.mp4 | 7.55 MB |
10. Deployment/8- Viewing Logs.mp4 | 10.66 MB |
10. Deployment/9- Setting Environment Variables on Heroku.mp4 | 11.92 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/1- Introduction.mp4 | 988.79 kB |
11. Advanced Topics/10- Fetching Data with Hooks.mp4 | 16.12 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/11- Context.mp4 | 3.90 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/12- Context in Class Components.mp4 | 32.83 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/13- Context in Functional Components.mp4 | 11.49 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/14- Updating the Context.mp4 | 19.85 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/15- Consuming Multiple Contexts.mp4 | 9.59 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/3- Setting Up the Development Environment.mp4 | 8.81 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/4- Higher Order Components.mp4 | 3.71 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/5- Implementing a Higher Order Component.mp4 | 28.59 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/6- Hooks.mp4 | 6.98 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/7- The useState Hook.mp4 | 27.27 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/8- The useEffect Hook.mp4 | 17.67 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/9- Custom Hooks.mp4 | 11.11 MB |
11. Advanced Topics/ | 186.85 kB |
2. ES6 Refresher/1 - Introduction.mp4 | 4.09 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/10- Spread Operator.mp4 | 10.76 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/11- Classes.mp4 | 8.89 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/12- Inheritance.mp4 | 11.87 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/13- Modules.mp4 | 11.62 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/14- Named and Default Exports.mp4 | 13.45 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/2- Let vs Var vs Const.mp4 | 9.51 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/3- Objects.mp4 | 6.57 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/4- The this Keyword.mp4 | 6.87 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/5- Binding this.mp4 | 6.50 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/6- Arrow Functions.mp4 | 10.63 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/7- Arrow Functions and this.mp4 | 10.40 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/8- Method.mp4 | 8.57 MB |
2. ES6 Refresher/9- Object Destructuring.mp4 | 6.47 MB |
3. Components/1- Introduction.mp4 | 3.08 MB |
3. Components/10- Handling Events.mp4 | 11.15 MB |
3. Components/11- Binding Event Handlers.mp4 | 16.03 MB |
3. Components/12- Updating the State.mp4 | 7.70 MB |
3. Components/13- What Happens When State Changes.mp4 | 6.52 MB |
3. Components/14- Passing Event Arguments.mp4 | 11.79 MB |
3. Components/15- Setting Up the Vidly Project.mp4 | 22.99 MB |
3. Components/16- Exercises.mp4 | 11.34 MB |
3. Components/17- Building the Movies Component.mp4 | 25.51 MB |
3. Components/18- Deleting a Movie.mp4 | 19.52 MB |
3. Components/19- Conditional Rendering.mp4 | 12.79 MB |
3. Components/2- Setting Up the Project.mp4 | 5.78 MB |
3. Components/20 - Summary.mp4 | 1.23 MB |
3. Components/3- Your First React Component.mp4 | 15.02 MB |
3. Components/4- Specifying Children.mp4 | 12.59 MB |
3. Components/5- Embedding Expressions.mp4 | 15.21 MB |
3. Components/6- Setting Attributes.mp4 | 17.22 MB |
3. Components/7- Rendering Classes Dynamically.mp4 | 14.30 MB |
3. Components/8 - Rendering Lists.mp4 | 14.91 MB |
3. Components/9- Conditional Rendering.mp4 | 17.88 MB |
4. Composing Components/1- Introduction.mp4 | 1.49 MB |
4. Composing Components/10- Removing the Local State.mp4 | 24.76 MB |
4. Composing Components/11- Multiple Components in Sync.mp4 | 24.22 MB |
4. Composing Components/12- Lifting the State Up.mp4 | 20.83 MB |
4. Composing Components/13 - Stateless Functional Components.mp4 | 8.78 MB |
4. Composing Components/14- Destructuring Arguments.mp4 | 6.83 MB |
4. Composing Components/15 - Lifecycle Hooks.mp4 | 3.07 MB |
4. Composing Components/16 - Mounting Phase.mp4 | 19.37 MB |
4. Composing Components/17- Updating Phase.mp4 | 16.12 MB |
4. Composing Components/18- Unmounting Phase.mp4 | 5.11 MB |
4. Composing Components/19- Exercise- Decrement Button.mp4 | 2.04 MB |
4. Composing Components/2- Composing Components.mp4 | 12.26 MB |
4. Composing Components/20- Solution - Decrement Button.mp4 | 20.31 MB |
4. Composing Components/21- Exercise- Like Component.mp4 | 6.14 MB |
4. Composing Components/22- Solution- Like Component.mp4 | 45.82 MB |
4. Composing Components/23- Summary.mp4 | 1.40 MB |
4. Composing Components/3- Passing Data to Components.mp4 | 11.02 MB |
4. Composing Components/4- Passing Children.mp4 | 11.45 MB |
4. Composing Components/5 - Debugging React Apps.mp4 | 15.56 MB |
4. Composing Components/6- Props vs State.mp4 | 8.79 MB |
4. Composing Components/7 - Raising and Handling Events.mp4 | 16.25 MB |
4. Composing Components/8- Updating the State.mp4 | 15.87 MB |
4. Composing Components/9- Single Source of Truth.mp4 | 13.01 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/1- Introduction.mp4 | 2.74 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/10- Filtering- Displaying Items.mp4 | 14.17 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/11- Filtering- Default Props.mp4 | 7.59 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/12- Filtering- Handling Selection.mp4 | 17.09 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/13- Filtering- Implementing Filtering.mp4 | 12.87 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/14- Filtering- Adding All Genres.mp4 | 12.18 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/15- Sorting- Extracting MoviesTable.mp4 | 24.77 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/16- Sorting- Raising the Sort Event.mp4 | 14.26 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/17- Sorting- Implementing Sorting.mp4 | 23.31 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/18- Sorting- Moving Responsibility.mp4 | 23.79 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/19- Sorting- Extracting TableHeader.mp4 | 31.53 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/2- Exercise- Pagination Component.mp4 | 3.91 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/20- Sorting- Extracting TableBody.mp4 | 12.16 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/21- Sorting- Rendering Cell Content.mp4 | 35.28 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/22- Sorting- Unique Keys - Final.mp4 | 11.35 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/23- Sorting- Adding the Sort Icon.mp4 | 15.03 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/24- Sorting- Extracting Table.mp4 | 15.19 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/25- Sorting- Extracting a Method.mp4 | 16.82 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/26- Destructuring Arguments.mp4 | 3.40 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/27- Summary.mp4 | 1.76 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/3- Pagination- Component Interface.mp4 | 12.76 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/4- Pagination- Displaying Pages.mp4 | 25.89 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/5- Pagination- Handling Page Changes.mp4 | 23.46 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/6- Pagination- Paginating Data.mp4 | 22.95 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/7- Pagination- Type Checking with PropTypes.mp4 | 18.45 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/8- Exercise- ListGroup Component.mp4 | 4.53 MB |
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting/9- Filtering- Component Interface.mp4 | 24.02 MB |
6. Routing/1- Introduction.mp4 | 1.36 MB |
6. Routing/10- Query String Parameters.mp4 | 12.33 MB |
6. Routing/11- Redirects.mp4 | 11.31 MB |
6. Routing/12- Programmatic Navigation.mp4 | 7.05 MB |
6. Routing/13- Nested Routing.mp4 | 14.40 MB |
6. Routing/14- Exercises- NavBar and Routing.mp4 | 4.41 MB |
6. Routing/15- Adding React Router.mp4 | 4.78 MB |
6. Routing/16- Adding Routes.mp4 | 18.71 MB |
6. Routing/17- Adding the NavBar.mp4 | 19.55 MB |
6. Routing/18- Linking to the MovieForm.mp4 | 18.07 MB |
6. Routing/19 - Summary.mp4 | 1.09 MB |
6. Routing/2- Setup.mp4 | 5.42 MB |
6. Routing/3- Adding Routing.mp4 | 12.73 MB |
6. Routing/4- Switch.mp4 | 8.47 MB |
6. Routing/5- Link.mp4 | 14.49 MB |
6. Routing/6- Route Props.mp4 | 8.26 MB |
6. Routing/7- Passing Props.mp4 | 9.50 MB |
6. Routing/8- Route Parameters.mp4 | 12.66 MB |
6. Routing/9- Optional Parameters.mp4 | 6.47 MB |
7. Forms/1- Introduction.mp4 | 1.59 MB |
7. Forms/10- A Basic Validation Implementation.mp4 | 11.74 MB |
7. Forms/11- Displaying Validation Errors.mp4 | 12.81 MB |
7. Forms/12- Validation on Change.mp4 | 17.52 MB |
7. Forms/13- Joi.mp4 | 17.72 MB |
7. Forms/14- Validating a Form Using Joi.mp4 | 17.78 MB |
7. Forms/15- Validating a Field Using Joi.mp4 | 21.47 MB |
7. Forms/16- Disabling the Submit Button.mp4 | 3.27 MB |
7. Forms/17- Code Review.mp4 | 13.33 MB |
7. Forms/18- Extracting a Reusable Form.mp4 | 19.75 MB |
7. Forms/19- Extracting Helper Rendering Methods.mp4 | 28.16 MB |
7. Forms/2- Building a Bootstrap Form.mp4 | 20.91 MB |
7. Forms/20- Register Form.mp4 | 3.30 MB |
7. Forms/21- Code Review.mp4 | 4.95 MB |
7. Forms/22- Exercise 2- Movie Form.mp4 | 7.29 MB |
7. Forms/23- Code Review.mp4 | 33.15 MB |
7. Forms/24- Exercise 3- Search Movies.mp4 | 3.26 MB |
7. Forms/25- Code Review.mp4 | 20.39 MB |
7. Forms/3- Handling Form Submission.mp4 | 7.83 MB |
7. Forms/4- Refs.mp4 | 15.92 MB |
7. Forms/5- Controlled Elements.mp4 | 16.53 MB |
7. Forms/6- Handling Multiple Inputs.mp4 | 12.50 MB |
7. Forms/7- Common Errors.mp4 | 10.82 MB |
7. Forms/8- Extracting a Reusable Input.mp4 | 16.30 MB |
7. Forms/9- Validation.mp4 | 9.90 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/1- Introduction.mp4 | 3.26 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/10- Expected vs Unexpected Errors.mp4 | 24.72 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/11- Handling Unexpected Errors Globally.mp4 | 35.09 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/12- Extracting a Reusable Http Service.mp4 | 15.27 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/13- Extracting a Config Module.mp4 | 6.53 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/14- Displaying Toast Notifications.mp4 | 11.83 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/15- Logging Errors.mp4 | 22.97 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/16- Extracting a Logger Service.mp4 | 16.55 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/17- Vidly Backend.mp4 | 3.80 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/18- Installing MongoDB on Mac.mp4 | 13.49 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/19- Installing MongoDB on Windows.mp4 | 28.21 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/2- JSON Placeholder.mp4 | 11.52 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/20- Setting Up the Node Backend.mp4 | 10.52 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/21- Disabling Authentication.mp4 | 11.18 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/22- Exercise- Connect Movies Page to the Backend.mp4 | 8.10 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/23- Adding Http and Log Services.mp4 | 10.68 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/24- Replacing FakeGenreService.mp4 | 13.46 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/25- Replacing FakeMovieService.mp4 | 26.25 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/26- Extracting a Config File.mp4 | 5.61 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/27- Exercise- Connect Movie Form to the Backend.mp4 | 2.97 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/28- Populating the Form.mp4 | 14.37 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/29- Refactoring.mp4 | 10.73 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/3- Http Clients.mp4 | 7.26 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/30- Saving the Movie.mp4 | 10.47 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/31- Refactoring.mp4 | 10.45 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/4- Getting Data.mp4 | 19.30 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/5- Creating Data.mp4 | 17.21 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/6- Lifecycle of a Request.mp4 | 9.90 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/7- Updating Data.mp4 | 14.10 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/8- Deleting Data.mp4 | 4.85 MB |
8. Calling Backend Services/9- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates.mp4 | 14.38 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/1 - Introduction.mp4 | 1.55 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/10- JSON Web Tokens (JWT).mp4 | 14.23 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/11- Getting the Current User.mp4 | 18.51 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/12- Displaying the Current User on NavBar.mp4 | 18.71 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/13- Logging out a User.mp4 | 9.80 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/14- Refactoring.mp4 | 39.49 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/15- Calling Protected API Endpoints.mp4 | 14.60 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/16- Fixing Bi-directional Dependencies.mp4 | 9.65 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/17- Authorization.mp4 | 25.14 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/18- Showing or Hiding Elements based on the User.mp4 | 12.23 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/19- Protecting Routes.mp4 | 12.32 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/2- Registering a New User.mp4 | 6.52 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/20- Extracting ProtectedRoute.mp4 | 24.67 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/21- Redirecting after Login.mp4 | 23.58 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/22- Exercise.mp4 | 930.82 kB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/23- Hiding the Delete Column.mp4 | 17.40 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/3- Submitting the Registration Form.mp4 | 16.01 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/4- Handling Registration Errors.mp4 | 7.52 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/5- Logging in a User.mp4 | 4.81 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/6- Submitting the Login Form.mp4 | 9.01 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/7- Handling Login Errors.mp4 | 6.50 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/8- Storing the JWT.mp4 | 10.55 MB |
9. Authentication and Authorization/9- Logging in the User upon Registration.mp4 | 20.73 MB |